Immersive Marketing

Virtual Reality Gaming
A Sweet Strategy for Brand Engagement

VR can be more than just a form of entertainment; it can be a transformative marketing tool.

Hiru Withana 5 min read 10.03.24

Recently, we've entered the world of Virtual Reality (VR) by developing a custom VR game for Cargills Magic Ice Cream.

The game, designed for young children, offers an interactive and immersive adventure where players have to catch Magic ice creams. The game was hosted at the Cargills Magic Ice Cream carnival.

Among various other games and plays at the carnival, the majority of kids were drawn to our VR setup. Cragills Magic VR game quickly became the star of the Ice Cream Carnival. Kids were thrilled by the chance to step into a virtual world, and parents were equally fascinated.

This high level of engagement not only made the game the focal point of the carnival but also amplified Cargills' Magic brand presence significantly, capturing the attention of both children and their parents.

This project not only represents a technological advance but also showcases how VR can be a powerful tool for brand promotion. Here's why:

Immersive Experience Enhances Brand Connection

VR is uniquely capable of creating a deeply immersive experience that other digital mediums can't match. For a brand like Cargills Magic, whose product is all about enjoyment and indulgence, VR can transport players into a world that amplifies these feelings.

In the game we developed, children are not just passively watching an advertisement; they are actively participating in a Cargills Magic-themed world, which helps develop a stronger emotional connection with the brand. This memorable engagement ensures the brand stays in the minds of families long after the game is over.

Increased Brand awareness

One of the most beautiful aspects of this VR experience was seeing families come together. Many parents took photos and videos of their children playing the game, capturing joyful moments that extended the brand experience into personal memories.

When parents share these photos and videos on social media, it means the brand receives additional exposure. This organic form of promotion extends the brand's reach beyond the immediate event, tapping into the vast social circles of each family. Consequently, every post helps to enhance the brand's presence, connecting it with potential customers who might not have been reached through traditional advertising channels.

Engaging Young Audiences with Interactive Play

The core audience for Cargills' Magic Ice Cream is families with young children. VR games, especially intuitive ones like catching ice creams, perfectly satisfy this age group by offering fun, engaging, and hands-on activities. This approach is far more effective in capturing children's attention than traditional advertising methods, which can be easily overlooked or forgotten. By merging the playful nature of ice cream with the excitement of VR, children can have fun while parents appreciate a brand that entertains their kids in innovative ways.

Enhanced Brand Image through Technological Innovation

Utilizing the latest technology such as Meta Quest for brand promotion positions Cargills Magic as a forward-thinking, innovative brand. This is particularly important in today's competitive market, where brands constantly strive to stand out. By investing in VR, Cargills Magic demonstrates their commitment to embracing new technologies, potentially attracting tech-savvy consumers and reinforcing a modern brand image.

Positive Word-of-Mouth and Social Sharing

VR experiences are still relatively new and exciting for many consumers, which means they are more likely to share their experiences with friends and family or on social media. Moreover, VR's novelty makes it a perfect topic for conversations, which can increase brand visibility and awareness organically.

Future of marketing

Our project with Cargills Magic highlights how VR can be more than just a form of entertainment; it can be a transformative marketing tool. For brands looking to connect with their audiences on a deeper level and stand out in a saturated market, VR offers a captivating solution.

At CircleBook, we are excited to continue exploring these new frontiers, helping brands like Cargills Magic create meaningful and memorable interactions with their consumers.

By integrating cutting-edge technology with fun, interactive gameplay, we've managed not just to promote a product but to create an engaging, immersive world that children and parents alike can enjoy and remember.

This is the future of brand engagement—experiential, interactive, and a whole lot of fun.

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A Sweet Strategy for Brand Engagement

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