Beyond Code

Circlebook's Annual Trip 2023

Our time in Galle was about more than just sightseeing—it was about coming together as a team and creating unforgettable moments.

Hiru Withana 6 min read 20.02.24

At Circlebook, we don't just build software; we build memories. As a company deeply invested in creating a strong team culture, we recently went on a thrilling journey to Galle. This journey wasn't just about relaxation; it was about bonding, adventure, and creating lasting experiences together.

Journey Begins

Our adventure began on the sun-kissed shores of Galle Beach. As a software company immersed in the digital world, this offered a refreshing break from the screens and codes. It was the perfect start to our trip.

But we didn't stop there. We wanted to experience local life, so we visited Galle's fish market. There, we picked out the freshest seafood for a special dinner later. After the market, we headed back to our hotel to prepare for the evening.

As dusk descended, we gathered around stoves, with pots, pans, and an appetite for both food and company. Under the starlit sky, we became chefs for the night.

With the sizzle of shrimp, the aroma of spices, and the laughter of friends, it was a magical experience we won't forget.

The Next Day

The following morning, we started the day with a heartwarming gesture—a little giveaway to express our gratitude to our hardworking employees. It was a small yet meaningful way to acknowledge the dedication and effort of each team member.

Then, we set out to explore the iconic Galle Fort. Within its ancient walls, we wandered through cobbled streets filled with colonial architecture. From panoramic views of the Ocean to small cafes, every moment was special.

Looking Ahead

As the sun set on our trip, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories we had made. Our time in Galle was about more than just sightseeing—it was about coming together as a team and creating unforgettable moments.

As we said goodbye to Galle, we carried with us not just souvenirs and photographs but a sense of unity and friendship that would continue to inspire us in our journey ahead.

At Circlebook, we're not just building software; we're building friendships and making memories that will last a lifetime.

Cheers to friendship and the Circlebook Annual Trip of 2023! 🏖️

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